Soybean Management Field Days

Hosted by the Nebraska Soybean Board (NSB) and Nebraska Extension, the field days offer a unique opportunity for farmers to learn about soybean production, the new Soybean Testing Ag Performance Solutions (TAPS) contest, and to network with fellow growers.

SMFD Dewitt


Soybean Management Field Days takes place in August each year. In 2024, the Nebraska Soybean Board (NSB) and Nebraska Extension introduced a new format, providing a unique opportunity for farmers to enhance their knowledge of soybean production, explore the new Soybean Testing Ag Performance Solutions (TAPS) contest and network with fellow growers.

The field days feature presentations on locally relevant topics and engage participants in interactive discussions. The event also highlights the Soybean Testing Ag Performance Solutions (TAPS) contest with a plot tour and interactive discussion. Participants gain insights into the Nebraska Soybean Board's research, marketing and education efforts supported by checkoff dollars. University specialists and educators lead discussions at each location.

Soybean Management Field Days is free to attend thanks to support from the Nebraska Soybean Board. 

Furthermore, University of Nebraska-Lincoln agronomists, plant disease experts and insect specialists  address participants' inquiries, and attendees can bring unidentified crop problems for complimentary identification.

For additional information about the field days contact the Nebraska Soybean Board at (402) 441-3240 or Nebraska Extension at (402) 624-8030.

Soybean Management Field Days Sponsors

Soybean Management Field Days provides an opportunity to learn how to profitably apply the products of technology and research at the farm level

This educational event is for you - the soybean grower and agronomic representatives supporting the soybean industry. Experts share their knowledge and experiences as they relate to soybean production, marketing and management including. 

Soybean Management Field Days is a great way to see your checkoff dollars at work and get best practices you can implement in your fields.

Soybean Management Field Days Justin
Soybean Management Field Days All Sites Map

We are in your Neighborhood!

Soybean Management Field Days are hosted at locations across Nebraska. We share current information about soybean production, marketing, and management with you at 4 different farm sites each year.  We've been going strong since 1999!

Soybean Management Field Days research

We have been conducting replicated research at the Soybean Management Field Days sites since 2012... learn about what we have found out over the years and are continuing to learn.

Research Updates

Soybean Management Field Days video

We invite you to view the Soybean Management Field Days presentations or listen to the podcasts
presented by Nebraska Extension specialists and educators when convenient in your schedule.

2022 Presentations   *   2021 Presentations   *  2020 Presentations